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Black Tourmaline Crystal Pendant Wire Wrapped .925 Sterling Silver

  • Rs 4,10000

Black Tourmaline Crystal Pendant Wire Wrapped in .925 Sterling Silver Round Wire

A captivating black crystal with bright, reflective crystal faces; like other black stones, it provides unmatched versatility and wears beautifully with practically any color, including black and earth tones. Mostly a naturalistic and artistic stone, though some of its sharp angular, near perfect rectangle crystal faces might appeal to a purist view.

Description: Solid opaque black, elongated prismatic hexagonal crystal wrapped in 22 gauge sterling silver wire.

Crystal Size: Small (13/16” x 9/16” x 7/16”).

Pattern: Angular shiny black crystal faces.

Contour: High angled multiple ridged face; eight crystal face planes and ridges.

Unique Features: Crystal shape, solid black color, and bright reflective crystal faces.

Polish: Unpolished but highly reflective natural crystal..

Edges: Sharp straight ridges, flat planes, some broken surfaces.

Treatment: None; natural mineral crystal.

Comment: A unique, handmade, genuine semi-precious stone pendant, this piece is posted individually, not merely a representative item - what you see is what you get.

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