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Psilomelane in Quartz Pendant Wire Wrapped .925 Sterling Silver

  • 818 kr

Psilomelane in Quartz Pendant Wire Wrapped in .925 Sterling Silver Round Wire

A beautiful and fascinating intricately patterned stone - composed of spots and patches of feathery organically shaped metallic black plumes against a highly contrasting milky white quartz background. Providing unmatched versatility, it wears beautifully with practically any color, including black and earth tones. Mostly an artistic stone due to color variability color and pattern, and natural small open cavities; some purist qualities, however, include a highly polished flat surface, and a well-balanced wedge shape.

Description: Feathery black to metallic black organically shaped plumes against a nearly solid white background; slightly rounded wedge (slice of pie) shaped, opaque stone, wrapped in 22 gauge sterling silver wire.

Stone Size: Large (1-5/16” x 15/16” x 3/16”).

Pattern: Organically shaped plume like black to metallic black against a white background.

Contour: Smooth flat face

Unique Features: Shiny black to metallic sheen; organically shaped plume patterns; natural small pit and cavity surface areas.

Polish: High gloss, brilliant.

Edges: Smooth to somewhat rough, flat to dome shaped.

Treatment: None; natural stone, shaped, smoothed and polished only.

Comment: An unusual combination stone. The rich metallic and black coloration is naturally caused by psilomelane (dominant) and other manganese oxides and hydroxides: manganite, pyrolusite, etc. contrasted against white quartz.. A unique, handmade, genuine polished stone pendant, this piece is posted individually, not merely a representative item - what you see is what you get.

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